Children's Literature-Chelsea

My Literary Element

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Here is a thorough definition of the literary element foreshadowing provided by:


“Foreshadowing suggests events that have yet to occur in a work of literature. Writers use foreshadowing to build their readers’ expectations and to create suspense.”


A writer will use foreshadowing to place hints that can be subtle or obvious to suggest what may happen later in the story. Sometimes we can be reading a story and something unbelievable happens. We then realize that earlier in the book, there was a place where the author hinted that something like this would happen. Sometimes a reader will remember the hint and keep it in mind as they continue to read the book. Others will not even realize that this device was used until the foreshadowed event happens.


There are many different types of books that use this literary element. Even picture books use it!


One genre in particular utilizes this element more than any other. Mysteries and Thrillers rely on foreshadowing to create anticipation and to intrigue their readers. Foreshadowing is very effective in hooking a reader to the story. Avid readers of these genres will gain useful skills in predicting the foreshadowed event. They will work out the clues and hints.


Some children’s books that are famous for foreshadowing are:

Nancy Drew

Hardy Boys

Harry Potter

The Boxcar Children


Jeopardy Questions


1. Something an author does in the story when they use foreshadowing.

-What is drop hints and clues

2. An unlikely genre that can use foreshadowing.

-What are picture books

3.What genres rely on foreshadowing the most?

-What are mysteries and Thrillers

4. Name an example of famous children’s books that use foreshadowing.

-What is Harry Potter

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